Hurricane.Finance Pre-Launch Update — December 5th, 2020

1 min readDec 6, 2020


Hello Storm Watchers!

You will be happy to know we’ve been working with an experienced smart contract developer to pin-point and resolve potential attack vectors and bugs. Together we identified 8 areas of concern and have been working to resolve each one. As promised, we are bringing you the changes and updates you want to see.

With his expertise we are proud to say we have resolved all identified issues outlined in the review report (linked here). We have also come up with a rough draft launch plan to help avoid security abuses of our system. As Hurricane.Finance is working to grow our Tropical Storms into Category 5 Hurricanes, we want to ensure we maximize the Wins you will earn!

As we continue to improve upon this project with our community’s suggestions, we will be providing you consistent updates. Follow our announcements channel in Telegram, Discord and our Twitter to be the first to get details on our updates.

With our launch upcoming on December 7th, 2020 make sure you become a subscriber to one of our channels so you will be one of the first to get these important updates.

Thank you and Happy Storm Chasing




Hurricane Finance is simple and experimental yield farming designed to benefit storm chasers for the long term.